In a perfect world, tonight would have been the second night of fireworks in the annual L’International des Feux Loto-Quebec. Sadly, it is but another of the many events that have been cancelled this year. It was always a high point of the year for Your Friendly Neighbourhood Photographer and The Old Blog. Luckily, over the years I have accumulated a rather large collection of photos that have not yet been seen. As well, I usually take a few photographs from where I am before the fireworks actually begin. Such as this one, taken from one of my favourite places just above Taschereau boulevard in Longueuil. It not only provided a nice view of the fireworks, but also an opportunity to capture some nice light streaks from the passing cars before the actual show began. It also allowed me to see that the reputation of reckless drivers we have is well deserved. You can see some of them in action by following some of the red streaks of light. This shot was taken at f/16, 30sec, ISO 100 at 32mm. Hopefully I'll find my way back up there again next year.
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