Time keeps ticking away, always moving forward, and we are in the hazy, lazy days of Summer. If you ask me, Summer days are meant to be spent within the comfortable confines of air-conditioned rooms. However, a close second place would be in a comfortable chair, taking a long nap on a dock that sits on a lake. That little story is actually pretty close to reality. Those chairs really were comfortable and I did infact take a very pleasant nap in the chair on the left. Sadly, as I was napping away, the sun set a little bit more than I had planned. It's still bright enough to bring out the red in the chair on the right, and there is a little but of colour still in the sky. The lake was also just calms enough to reflect all of the trees. The photograph was taken f/9, 1/500sec, ISO 400 at 28mm. Hopefully a quiet snooze by a lake is in some of your futures.
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