Providing the soundtrack for the annual Saint-Lambert Classic Car Exhibition has fallen on Manny Jr. & The Cyclones. I'm usually on the ground early in the morning and am gone by noon in order to miss out on the large crowds so that I have more room to move around the cars. However, last year I discovered this band for the first time, despite hearing the announcement this year that this is the fifth consecutive year that Manny & The Cyclones perform in Saint-Lambert. They play some early rock standards from the 1930's to the 1960's, as well as some songs of their own. A nice soundtrack to fit with the classic cars that surround them on the city
streets while they were performing. You could almost imagine a different time, driving down main street in your souped up convertible. This is the kind of music that would have been blaring out of your stereo as you cruised down main street. The crowd sure enjoyed the show. From the elder set who remember when their cars were not called 'classic' yet, to the little toddler who was rocking out to the beat of the music being played. The first photograph was taken at f/4, 1/500sec, ISO 100 at 70mm and the second photograph was taken at f/5, 1/400sec, ISO 100 at 70mm. Here are a few more photographs that I took as they played.

f/5.6, 1/160sec, ISO 100 at 70mm
f/4, 1/400sec, ISO 100 at 70mm
f/4, 1/250sec, ISO 100 at 62mm
f/9, 1/60sec, ISO 100 at 200mm
f/9, 1/100sec, ISO 100 at 70mm
My only complaint is that the city should give them a better backdrop or
stage from which to perform. They're doing their thing under a bland
white tent placed over a slab of cement. Seems like they deserve
something a little more. Go out and check them out when they come back next year, or visit their website and find out if they'll be playing near you.
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