This is probably a photo set that is a little bit out of date since the photographs were taken a few years ago. I went up to the observation deck of Mount Royal here in Montreal to try and grab the sun rising over the fair city. It was mid-February and the sky was cloudy and grey. There was a small open space in the sky and once the sun peaked over the South Shore mountains, I quickly snapped away before it got swallowed by the clouds. Once at home, I added a bit of red to the highlights and mid-tones in order to change the bland grey into a somewhat warmer colour. I also cropped the final photograph for a wide angle style, but I've also included the more traditional sized photograph in this update as well. The photograph was taken at f22, 1sec, ISO 400 at 24mm. I might have to wake myself up early again some day to make my way up there once again since I believe that a few buildings have sprouted up since then.
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