Sunday 11 August 2024

Feathered Friend

I guess my priorities may be a little bit misplaced.  Most people, when on vacation, take photographs of their families, their surroundings and themselves.  Me, I like to just sit myself down in a chair and wait for the birds to fly by so that I can shoot them.  Photographically, of course.  Though my Mom probably knows this better than I, and will certainly provide a correction should I be wrong, I believe this little guy to be a Grey Catbird.  I found him from the previously mentioned comfortable chair while on vacation.  I noticed him land in a tree just across from me.  As luck would have it, he turned just as the sun broke through the crowds and perfectly lit the side of his little head.  The photograph was taken at f/3.2, 1/80sec, ISO 100 at 200mm.  As usual, I thanked my model and then he flew away.  It's those little moments that I really enjoy.

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