Saturday, 8 February 2025

Birthday Flowers

Where does the time go.  I seem to say this a lot when covering some bands, discovering it is their 20th, 30th or even 40th anniversary of either forming of releasing a famous album.  The following number isn't quite as large, but is a little more important.  At the end of January, The Heir Apparent celebrated her fifth birthday.  In honour of the occasion, I picked up a little flower for her.  She is a fan of the colour green, but there aren't that many green flowers that I am aware of.  Fortunately, her second favourite colour is 'multi-colour', which works out well as I was able to find her a 'Bubblegum Rose'.  Her eyes opened wide when I gave it to her just before her birthday supper, and the next day I grabbed my camera because I just can't let such a nice looking flower live peacefully in the house without taking a few shots.  It was also a learning moment for The Heir Apparent as I lent her my phone and let her shoot some photographs as well, trying to teach about angles, light and getting different colours and shapes of the flower into her shots.  I also explained to The Heir Apparent how the photographs would look nicer with a dark background to really make the colours stand out. Will it lead to anything?  Who knows.  Though I do remember playing with my parents old Polaroid at a young age, any my Aunt Tootsie's old disc camera.  By the time she is old enough, my equipment will probably seem as ancient to her as those old formats now seem to me.  All three photographs were taken at f/3.2, 1/200sec, ISO 100 at 70mm with some flash bounced off of the ceiling in order to really make the colours and detail stand out.  A fun little Daddy-Daughter project.

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