Smack dab in the middle of two older acts, PUP took the stage at Laval's Place Bell. I'd never actually heard the band before, but as often happens when I get to shoot bands that I don't know, I really enjoyed their set. The story behind the band name is to great not to share. It seems that singer Stefan Babcock's Grandmother had declared that joining a rock band was a 'pathetic use of potential'. The band then took the first letter from the words in that phrase and thus PUP was born. Luckily none of my Grandmothers ever declared my photography to the a pathetic use of potential, though I am sure that given some years, Stefan's Grandmother must have come around on her past words. Their potential certainly seems to being put to good use up on the stage. They were rocking the stage and living up to their position as
one of Canada's top punk rock acts. PUP also have a bit of history with Montreal. They recorded their debut album in the city and based on the reactions of the crowd, they still have a very solid fan base in the city. Their most recent album, The Unraveling of PUPTheBand was released back in 2022 and they recently announced that a new album will be released later this year. Hopefully a new album will see the scheduling of a new tour and a return to town as it would be a blast to photograph them once again. Fingers will remain crossed. All of the photographs were taken at f/3.2 while using various different shutter speeds, ISO settings and focal lengths. Here are the other photographs that I took of PUP while they performed up on the Place Bell stage.
If you would like to find out more about PUP, you can do so by following the link to their website. If you would like to see the photographs of GOB and Sum 41, who also performed that night, you can do so by following the respective links. PUP are definitely one of the current top punk bands in the Country. Be sure to check them out when they play at a town near you.
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