Monday 1 July 2024

Reney Ray At Fête Nationale

It was in 1971 that Creedence Clearwater Revival asked us if we had ever seen the rain, and after most of La Fête Nationale weekend got washed away, those of us who attended saw way more rain than we wanted.  After most of the holiday weekend ended up being washed away, the clouds finally cleared and the sun made a later afternoon appearance just in time for Reney Ray to hit the stage at the Parc de la Cité in Saint-Hubert.  Even if the sun had failed to show, the people in attendance would have been warmed by the ray of sunshine up on the stage that is Reney Ray.  Her latest album, "L'album temporaire", was released back in April and she describes it as being very personal album, dealing with real life problems and and learning to accept that we are all imperfect, will all continue to be imperfect and learning to live with that realization and going forward by learning from our failures.  She said the album title comes from telling herself than the bad times are only temporary and won't last.  One would certainly hope that her 'bad times' have passed, because there were only smiles to be seen during her performance.  Both from Reney Ray and her band up on the stage as well as the many fans who came out to see her performance.  The first photograph was taken at f/3.2, 1/1000sec, ISO 400 at 53mm and the second photograph was taken at f/3.2, 1/1250sec, ISO 400 at 31mm.  Here are several more photographs of Reney Ray taken during her performance at La Fête Nationale.

f/3.2, 1/800sec, ISO 400 at 70mm
f/2.8, 1/400sec, ISO 400 at 50mm
f/3.2, 1/800sec, ISO 400 at 55mm
f/3.2, 1/640sec, ISO 400 at 35mm
f/3.2, 1/320sec, ISO 400 at 70mm
f/3.2, 1/640sec, ISO 400 at 135mm
f/3.2, 1/2000sec, ISO 400 at 200mm
f/3.2, 1/640sec, ISO 400 at 42mm
f/3.2, 1/2000sec, ISO 400 at 120mm
f/3.2, 1/2000sec, ISO 400 at 70mm
f/3.2, 1/640sec, ISO 400 at 95mm
f/3.2, 1/320sec, ISO 400 at 70mm
f/3.2, 1/320sec, ISO 400 at 70mm
f/3.2, 1/320sec, ISO 400 at 200mm
f/3.2, 1/640sec, ISO 400 at 38mm
f/3.2, 1/640sec, ISO 400 at 90mm
f/3.2, 1/320sec, ISO 400 at 200mm
f/3.2, 1/800sec, ISO 400 at 185mm
f/3.2, 1/1000sec, ISO 400 at 80mm
f/3.2, 1/1000sec, ISO 400 at 75mm
f/3.2, 1/125sec, ISO 400 at 59mm
f/3.2, 1/800sec, ISO 400 at 150mm
f/3.2, 1/800sec, ISO 400 at 200mm
f/3.2, 1/800sec, ISO 400 at 70mm
f/3.2, 1/1600sec, ISO 400 at 63mm
f/4, 1/400sec, ISO 400 at 41mm
f/3.2, 1/1250sec, ISO 400 at 59mm
f/3.2, 1/1250sec, ISO 400 at 50mm
f/3.2, 1/400sec, ISO 400 at 70mm
f/3.2, 1/200sec, ISO 400 at 67mm
f/3.2, 1/400sec, ISO 400 at 31mm
f/3.2, 1/400sec, ISO 400 at 70mm
f/3.2, 1/400sec, ISO 400 at 35mm
f/3.2, 1/400sec, ISO 400 at 70mm
f/3.2, 1/800sec, ISO 400 at 50mm

If you would like to find out more about Reney Ray and her music, you can so do by following the link to her website.  If you would like to see the photographs that I took of the political speeches, and the musical performances of Marilyne Léonard, Dumas and Bleu Jeans Bleu, you can do so by following the respective links.  Once more, a big thank you to Line Tremblay of la Ville de Longueuil for getting me a pass to shoot the shows.  It is very much appreciated.  Reney Rey is the genuine article who sings from the heart and wears it on her sleeve.  Be sure to check out her concert if she is performing near you.

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