Friday 17 May 2024

Spring Bird

The old classic rhyme goes "Spring has sprung, the grass has riz', I wonder where the birdie is?"  I, of course, know the answer to that little rhyme.  The birdie is hiding out in my backyard cherry tree. I can't really say that I blame him.  That tree is looking like a pretty nice place to hang out right now.  It is in full bloom at the moment and the mix of white flower buds and red leaves is quite the site to behold.  It only last a very short time, but I look forward to this time of the year every Spring.  It's been a particularly fun time for bird watching this Spring as The Crown Prince has gotten in on the act, welcoming all of the birds that visit us to the yard.  He does it in a rather loud way that probably frightens more than welcomes, but it's the thought that counts, and I'm sure our fine feathered friends will understand in time.  This photograph was taken at f/3.2, 1/1000sec, ISO 100 at 200mm.  The weather is perfect for bird watching right now, get out there and have some fun.

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