Monday 20 May 2024

Victoria Bridge Day

It's mid-May and the first official holiday of the Summer Season is upon on us.  Sure, the calendar may still say it is Spring, but the 30 Celcius weather that we had today says something else entirely.  Since this particular holiday kind of has some mixed meanings that not everyone on any side can seem to agree on, I have decided to dedicate the day to something everyone in the region appreciates, The Victoria Bridge.  It is still standing and rock solid after 264 years, though it has had a few makeovers during that time.  The Victoria Bridge is still my first choice when I have to make the trip in to the big city, and will probably continue to be for a good many years to come.  It also looks great next to a sunset, like it does in this photograph here which was taken at f/7.1, 1/200sec, ISO 100 at 38mm.  Happy Victoria Bridge Day!  Go out and take a ride.

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