We've reached the end of our coverage of the Ashes of Leviathan tour that made a stop in Montreal back on August 1st. Our co-headliner, and the final band to perform that night, was Lamb Of God. Another key member of the American Heavy Metal movement,
Lamb of God brought the house down by somehow managing to continue the streak of each band building on the performance of the ones who had previously performed. Considering that such acts as Malevolence, Kerry King and Mastodon preceded them on the Centre Bell stage, you know that keeping up that level of power was no easy task. Lamb Of God is another
frequent visitor to Montreal and a Heavy MTL veteran, having made several
appearances at the festival. It is hard
to think of a more intense singer on stage than Randy Blythe as he
prowls the
stage left and right, looking like an animal just waiting to strike us down
with his words. Like Mastodon before
them, Lamb Of God are also celebrating the anniversary of one of their
albums. Ashes of the Wake was released
in 2004 and immediately forced people to take notice of the band. The album was inspired by events that took
place during the Iraq War and is considered to be one of the greatest heavy
metal albums of time and helped cement the band as a force that to this day
still can’t be stopped. Much like with Mastodon's set list, songs from the other albums were put to the side for this show was the anniversary of Ashes of the Wake was what the tour was built around. Lamb Of God's most recent album, Omens, was released in 2022. All of the photographs were taken at f/3.2 with varying focal lengths and ISO. Here are the rest of the photographs that I took of Lamb Of God while performing during the Ashes of Leviathan tour here in Montreal.
If you'd like to find out more about Lamb Of God and their music, you can do so by following the link to their webpage. If you would like to see the photographs that I took of Malevolence, Kerry King and Mastodon, who also performed that night, you can do so by following the respective links. Much thanks to Monica Seide-Evenson of SpeakEasy PR and Christopher Gonda of V13 Media for getting me a pass to shoot the show. It is always appreciated. A Lamb Of God concert is an unforgettable experience. The light show, may be an added garnish, but the music is top notch and played at such an superior level that it almost blows your mind. Lamb Of God continue to tour with the Ashes of Leviathan tour until the end of the month so be sure not to miss them.
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