Wednesday, 29 April 2015
A Little Tease
What could all of those little logos mean? What are they going to be used for? I bet it will be for something tasty. Forgive me for this little tease, but tune back in Friday to find out.
Saturday, 25 April 2015
Drop The Puck
Since we're now deep into the first round of the NHL Playoffs, I'm thinking it might be time to clear out a couple more hockey photographs that I took back in February of my favourite goaltender, Florence. I really enjoyed my night watching her team play. I didn't get the chance to see her team in the playoffs this year, so I hope that they did well. Hopefully I'll get to see her in action when the next season comes around. You can find out more about that evening by following this link to a series of photographs I put up here on the site back in February. This first shot was taken at f/6.3, 1/200sec, ISO 3200 at 70mm. Here are a couple more photographs of the action at ice level.
f/6.3, 1/200sec, ISO 3200 at 70mm
f/5.6, 1/200sec, ISO 3200 at 70mm
f/5.6, 1/250sec, ISO 3200 at 70mm
I like this little set of photographs. The puck trickling into the net on the second photograph, and in mid-flight in the third. As well as the concentration of Florence as she stares down the shooter in the fourth. I've got a couple more of these photographs that I had prepared, I'll get them up before the Stanley Cup is awarded.
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
Game Misconduct
With the Montreal Canadiens currently taking on the Ottawa Senators in the NHL Play-Offs, it meant the return of the Canadiens FamJam. Basically, this is a piece of land downtown near the Bell Center where fans can gather before home games, and those who don't have tickets can watch the games on big screen TV's. This year, the FanJam is being held below the Bell Center. My original plan was to go to the site, stake out a nice area where I could have the Ferris wheel in the front of my photograph with the buildings in the background, and then wait for the sun to go down. There was only one thing I failed to do, and that was ask permission. Just as the 2nd period was due to begin, the conditions were perfect and I began looking for a security guard to let them in on what I was doing. Since the site was pretty empty I figured there would be no problems, but I guess security thought otherwise. I was told rather quickly that I wouldn't be allowed to use my tripod. I scrambled out of there, walked down the street a little bit and ended up finding a little alley which offered a nice view of the area. This photograph was taken at f/16, 26sec, ISO 100 at 18mm. I only wish that the Ferris wheel would have been moving, but they shut it down just before the game started. I probably could have gotten a little more blue in the sky if I had not lost time by leaving the site, but it did provide a learning moment. Always be sure to ask permission before the moment comes when you want to take your photograph. That way you have more time to put together a back-up plan.
Thursday, 16 April 2015
Correspondances - Part One
Well, hello out there. How are you all doing? It's been a while since we last spoke. After my little photography exhibition I decided to take a little bit of a break. I figured you might be getting a little bit sick of me and my constant updates over the last few days of my show so I figured I'd lay low for a little while and see if it's true when people say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. I haven't been doing nothing these last few weeks. Other than doing some quality control on the comfort of my couch and the clarity of my television, I also managed to take in the yearly production of my favourite local theater group, Le Choeur Vives Voix. The
production this year was called Correspondances and I really enjoyed it. This was actually my fourth show with the group, and I can't believe that I've been shooting their shows for four years now. It's true that time goes by rather fast. For those of you interested, here are the links to the other shows that I've photographed for them. Facade (Part One & Part Two), Romeo vs Juliette (Part One & Part Two) and finally there are a couple of pictures floating around the 2012 Pages of this site of the first show I photographed, Contre Temps. I had even begun this blog yet when I shot that show. I suppose that I should talk a little bit about the photographs. As with all the other years, the biggest stuggle I have is finding enough light to get a fast enough shutter speed. This year the lighting was probably the brightest of the four years I've been there, and it allowed me to play around with some different apertures. Nothing to drastic. I'm still using my rapidly aging 30D with its ISO that only goes up to 3200, so very rarely was a I able to get the aperture past f/5. The first photograph here on the page was taken at f/3.5, 1/100sec, ISO 3200 at 30mm. The second photograph was taken at f/5, 1/100sec, ISO 3200, -0.7 exposure at 59mm. Here are a few more photographs that I took.
I'm really happy with the way these came out. In the past, I would have just left my camera at f.2.8 in the desire to get the fastest speed possible. Being able to get up to f/5 doesn't provide a huge difference, but it meant the actor in the background of the second photograph was a little bit clearer than he would have been at f/2.8. These photographs all came from the first half of the show, and I'll have
another update up sometime soon with some photographs from the second

f/5, 1/80sec, ISO 3200, -0.7 exposure at 24mm
f/4.5, 1/50sec, ISO 3200, -0.7 exposure at 24mm
f/4.5, 1/80sec, ISO 3200, -0.7 exposure at 24mm
f/4.5, 1/100 sec, ISO 3200, -0.7 exposure at 25mm.
Friday, 3 April 2015
Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over - Fin
to everyone at the Claude-Henri-Grignon library and to everyone who
took the time to go and view my photographs. It was a great four weeks,
here's to hoping that the next one will be coming soon!
Merci à tout le monde à la bibliothèque Claude-Henri-Grignon et à tous ceux qui ont pris le temps d'aller voir mes photos. C'était un super quatre semaines, j'espère que la prochaine exposition sera bientôt!
Merci à tout le monde à la bibliothèque Claude-Henri-Grignon et à tous ceux qui ont pris le temps d'aller voir mes photos. C'était un super quatre semaines, j'espère que la prochaine exposition sera bientôt!
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
And Then There Was One - Le dernier jour
All good things must come to an end, and so will my photography exhibition, Very Colourful. Tomorrow (April 2nd) is the final day. The library will be open from 1:00PM until 9:00PM and then that will be it. Don't miss out.
Toutes les bonnes choses ont une fin, tout comme mon exposition de photographie, Haut en couleur. Demain (2 avril) est le dernier jour. La bibliothèque sera ouverte de 13h00 jusqu'à 21h00, puis ce sera la fin.
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