It is September 15th and for some reason I am sitting in front of my computer and sweating. To find me in front of the computer is nothing out of the ordinary, but why is it still so freakin' hot right now? As I type, it is pushing 40 degrees Celcius again with the humidity. It hasn't been the best Summer for someone who hates the heat, and it has been made worse by the fact that my A/C decided to die as well. Luckily, there has been a wide variety of cool treats on hand at all times, and My Lovely Assistant has helped with some creations, such as these homemade watermelon popsicles. As is usually the case, I view her creations as a chance to practice the old photography skills. However, you can't really spend lots of time taking pictures of frozen treats when the weather is in the 30's. I looked online to find some examples of popsicle photographs and noticed one where they were displayed on a plate
full of ice cubes. This seemed liked a good idea to me, so I decided to give it a shot. As an added precaution, I even put the plate I was going to use in the freezer for a little bit as well to try and give the popsicles a greater chance of survival. Well, survival up to the point where they would be eaten that is. We didn't have any extra pieces of watermelon hanging around, so My Lovely Assistant suggested maybe putting some raspberries as a replacement fruit, so I went for it and away we went. The first photograph was taken at f/5, 1/60sec, ISO 100 at 24mm and the second photograph was taken at f/5, 1/250sec, ISO 100 at 57mm. Both were also taken with the help of bouncing some flash off the the ceiling. Speaking of help, I'm about to help myself over to the freezer in the hopes that there are still a couple of them left.

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