Friday 9 September 2022

Royal Farewell

The planet lost one of it's most beloved figures the other day when Queen Elizabeth II passed away.  She was 96 years old and had spent more than 70 of those years as the reigning Monarch of the United Kingdom.  It's seldom seem for someone in such a position to be so universally loved, but it's quite touching to see all of the tributes that are being said of her.  Though not living in the United Kingdom, Canada is a member of the Commonwealth, and as such, I've seen Queen Elizabeth II in some form or other for all of my life.  Her departure reminded me of another Royal departure I'd experienced.  It doesn't really equate to a death, but this Monarch Butterfly had been teasing me for two days while on vacation a few years ago.  It would fly around me and land, just long enough for me to set up my camera, before taking to the sky once more.  All until our final day.  This time, she landed and just remained there.  Stretching her wings open and closed for a few minutes.  I snapped off a few quick photos, checked them out on the screen and was happy with what I saw.  I looked up and saw that my colourful friend was still there, waiting.  I gave an approving nod to show that I was happy with what I had captured.  She gave me one more wave of her wings before flying away, and I didn't see her again for the rest of that final day.  Again, my story doesn't equate to the loss of an important world figure.  It's just a little memory of a personal meeting with a Monarch of my own.  The Queen is Dead, Long Live The King.

Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022

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