Sometimes you just end up stumbling upon two situations that seems to fit together really well. Such is the case with the photographs in this little update. These photographs were taken last August, while I was on vacation with My Lovely Assistant. We were walking along a road in La Minerve, QC, headed to the local grocery store to pick up the daily newspaper. When we hit main street we passed by this house that had a little cut-out under the main deck. They had a Beware of Dog sign next to the hole and two stuffed dogs were on the ground next to it. I didn't think very much about it at the time, just a little snapshot that I thought was kind of cute. However, after picking up our newspapers and making

the walk back to the cottage, we came upon a dog that probably could have used that sign better than the two who had it. This dog was not happy to see us at all. We had seen him the year before as well, but it was pretty obvious that in our case, absence did not make the heart grow fonder. Standing in the road and taking his picture didn't seem to endear myself to him any at all either. I asked My Lovely Assistant to try and get his attention, but soon discovered that she had continued on well farther down the street. I told you that she was much smarter than me. After getting home, I kind of filed these two photos together in the back of my head as an interesting little story that some of you out there my

like to read, and a couple of cool pictures to go along with it. The first photograph was taken at f/2.8, 1/2000sec, ISO 100 at 67mm. The second photograph was taken at f/2.8, 1/800sec, ISO 250 at 66mm. I also tried a second crop of the second photograph, just to give it a try. Both photographs tell different stories to me. In the first photograph, the dog doesn't seem as aggressive to me as in the second one. I think it's because of the picnic table and flowers. The dog looks more aggressive to me in the second, mostly because of how tight the chain he's attached to appears to be. You can see he's being held back and really wants to get a closer look at my camera...and possibly getting a good taste of my leg as well. Perhaps I'm out to lunch, but I just found in interesting how to different cuts of the same photograph could stir two different emotions out of me. Maybe it did the same for you as well.
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