Okay, I've made you wait long enough. It's time to bring an end to this little series. If it makes you all feel a little better, I managed to beat the two week deadline I had imposed on myself after the last batch of
ice fog photographs. When last we visited the Victoria Bridge I believe I mentioned that I was up to my ankles in snow while dealing with the minus 20something temperature. Ah yes, good times. I though that I had gotten my fill of shots of the bridge and began to wander around a little bit. I found some little staghorn sumac leaves to photograph. At this pace, they should find their way to this page by Winter 2018. I was ready to head for the car

when suddenly the clouds began to part a little bit and a ray of sunshine suddenly came down from the heavens and landed on the nearside of the bridge. I couldn't believe my luck. That ray of light completely changed the what I was looking at. I usually like to sum up these instances of good luck to getting a little helpful hand from my Grandmother. Thanks Grammie. The drab and grey sky suddenly had some blue. The ice fog coming off of the river became much clearer thanks to the added light and even the bridge itself seemed to have a little more life to it. I got home and watched the noon news, and during the weather segment I was reminded that CTV

liked to show viewer submitted photographs during the evening newscast. My parents had been telling me that I should send some of my photographs to them sometime, so I figured that this was as good of a time as any. I got an email back from CTV News around 3:00PM thanking me for my photograph, but without any confirmation that it would actually be used. I turned on the evening news and there it was, photograph #3 on the evening weather. Fittingly, it's also the third photograph you see here n the page. The first photograph was taken at f/18, 1/30sec, ISO 400 at 27mm. The second photograph was taken at f/18, 1/80sec, ISO 400 at 38mm and the third photograph was taken at f/18, 1/200sec, ISO 400 at 24mm. It was real fun to see my photograph on the television and I hope you all enjoy this much clearer version than the one that aired that night.
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