I know that the first day of Summer officially comes on June 21st, but for me, the beginning of Summer in recent years has been attending the annual Saint-Lambert Classic Car Exhibition. There aren't many cars to be seen in this update, but photographs were taken and you'll probably see some of them in the next few weeks. The update today is reserved for the musical entertainment of the day, The Baby Boomer's Band. This was my first time seeing them in Saint-Lambert, but the band has been in existence since 2002, playing all of the hits from the 1950's 60's and 70's. A good time period to choose from considering many of the cars that were
on display came from that period of time as well. From a photography standpoint, it was a little difficult to grab some shots as they were playing on an outdoor stage with no backdrop, so there are some buildings and the occasional passerby in some of the shots. They also had some dancer with them, which added to the show, but they found themselves blocking out my view a few times as well. As a result, I was moving around a little bit, shooting from different angles through the show. This ended up being a good thing since it added a bit of variety
to some of the shots. This was my first outdoor show of the Summer, and I once again probably got a little carried away with the shot selection, but I was always told it's better to share, and I have lots of photographs to share. The first photograph of this set was taken at f/7.1, 1/100sec, ISO 100 at 75mm. The second photograph was taken at f/7.1, 1/160sec, ISO 100 at 125mm and the third photograph was taken at f/7.1, 1/125sec, ISO 100 at 142mm. Here are several more photographs that I took during their afternoon performance.

f/7.1, 1/125sec, ISO 100 at 142mm
f/7,1, 1/125sec, ISO 100 at 170mm
f/7.1, 1/160sec, ISO 100 at 200mm
f/7.1, 1/100sec, ISO 100 at 165mm
f/8, 1/80sec, ISO 100 at 155mm
f/8, 1/80sec, ISO 100 at 105mm
f/4, 1/320sec, ISO 100 at 120mm
f/4, 1/250sec, ISO 100 at 200mm
f/4, 1/320sec, ISO 100 at 85mm
f/4, 1/320sec, ISO 100 at 145mm
f/4, 1/640sec, ISO 100 at 145mm
f/4, 1/640sec, ISO 100 at 150mm
f/4, 1/320sec, ISO 100 at 165mm
f/4, 1/400sec, ISO 100 at 150mm
f/4, 1/400sec, ISO 100 at 140mm
f/4, 1/400sec, ISO 100 at 110mm
f/4, 1/400sec, ISO 100 at 155mm
f/4, 1/250sec, ISO 100 at 150mm
f/4, 1/250sec, ISO 100 at 200mm
f/4, 1/320sec, ISO 100 at 70mm
f/4, 1/320sec, ISO 100 at 200mm
As you could see it was very sunny outside, which presented me with a little problem. I couldn't see the setting on my camera as the light would get in between my eye and the viewfinder, making the numbers impossible to see. I was shooting in Manual and set a larger aperture and tried adjusting the shutter speeds by trying to find the little lines. For the most part, it worked out. The band had to deal with some technical issues as well as there were some sound issues during their noon performance, but they battled through and sent the crowd home happy. They'll be playing a few more shows over the summer, you can find out where by visiting their website, right here. If you like some old school rock 'n' roll, you're sure to enjoy their show.
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