I'd like to take this moment to nominate My Lovely Assistant for Sainthood. She found a way to make chick peas tasty. I may be in the minority here, but when you mention the words 'chick peas', the first thing that comes to mind is a small, slimy thing that doesn't appeal to my ample tummy in any which way. However, where my nose may have been turned in the past, My Lovely Assistant carries some special stroke around these parts. So, when she says that she'll be trying a new chick pea recipe, it is law. In this case, she found a way to appeal to my previously mentioned tummy by turning the dreaded chick pea into a french fry. To achieve this
magical act worthy of Houdini, she ground some chick peas into a flour, which she then turned into a paste. The paste firmed up as it cooled down and she then cut it into small french fry sized slices. The were then cooked on a cookie sheet with vegetable oil until they were golden brown. A small bottle of ketchup and a little splash of mayonnaise for photographic staging purposes, and we have a tasty appetizer. The first photograph was taken at f/7.1 1/250sec, ISO 100 at 25mm and the second photograph was taken at f/7.1, 1/250sec, ISO 100 at 24mm. Once again, hats off to My Lovely Assistant. She turned the dastardly chick pea into something appealing.

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