Over the Christmas holidays I had the honour of meeting the newest member of my family, little Louis-Francois. He's a couple of months old and I had been asked to bring my camera with me on my next visit to take a few family photographs. I told them what I tell most people, I don't have much experience photographing, ahem, humans, but I'm always game for a new challenge and who could resist taking a picture of that cute face. We found a little secluded room away from the rest of the family and went to work. In an ideal world, I would have had some nice studio lights and backgrounds with me, but since I have yet to win the lottery, we improvised with some soft mood lighting and my Canon 580 EX II flash. Side note to myself and any future photographers. Always check to make sure your ISO is properly set. I made the mistake of leaving mine at 1600 for most of the shoot and had to do some 'magic' work in Photoshop afterwards. All of the shots that you see were taken at f/4.5, 1/250sec, ISO 1600 at varying lenghts. I did some cropping and had to play with the levels in Photoshop. I should have taken heed of the words of my photography professor...make sure it's right on the camera and don't waste time in Photoshop. I delivered the photos a few days later and everyone was really happy with them. As someone who doesn't have all that much experience photographing young children, it was truly a learning experience and one I look forward to having again. Every little bit of practice is helpful and hopefully there will be many more opportunities like this to come. In the meantime, if you're looking for someone who really has the art of child photography down pat, take the time to visit an old classmate of mine, Elisa Elliot (http://elisaelliot.com/). She does some really good work with the young ones and I hope to do as well as her one of these days. Practice, practice, practice.

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