Saturday 20 April 2013

Knockin' On Heaven's Door

The high percentage of 'lazy' in my blood coupled with a good dose of 'I'll do it later' in my bones means that I can often come up with some very good excuses when it comes to leaving my camera in it's bag.  My favourite excuse is "there's nothing interesting to take a picture of around here."  Ofcourse, that is not the truth.  There is always something interesting to photograph, it's just a question of moving around a little bit and opening your eyes.  Take this photograph for example.  What you see is the image of the door handle from the Bishop Stewart Memorial Church of the Holy Trinity in Frelighsburgh, Quebec.  Just before starting work on my pictures for the Romeo vs Juliette show, I had revisited the photographs I had taken there last November in order to prepare a CD of pictures for my father's cousin, Geraldine, who helps to take care of the church.  While going through the pictures, I came back upon this image, which had been a late discovery but was one of my favourite shots from the day.  The afternoon sun was going down, but it was coming in at a perfect angle to light up the handle and cast a soft shadow to it's left.  By zooming in real tight on the handle, it also allowed for the grain of the wood to be very visible.  I shot the photograph at f/2.8, 1/20sec, ISO 100 at 30mm.  I wanted to use the wide aperture in order to throw the rest of the door out of focus.  The wide aperture also meant that I'd have to use a slower camera speed due to the lack of available light so it's a good thing that I had my tripod with me.  Once home, I also cropped the image down to it's current size so that the handle became an even bigger focus of the image.  This is the kind of photo I like to look at when I fall victim to a case of lazy bones.  There's always something out there that you can turn into a nice photograph.  You just need to get out there, open your eyes and find it.

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