I've been sitting on this photograph for a couple of months now, it was falling into the void of forgotten photographs that I sometimes mention here. It kept falling down the list because I've kind of already posted a similar photograph earlier this year. Then it dawned on me, what better time to post a sunset photograph than just before the year comes to an end. The sun sets on the year. Kind of poetic, no? Anyway, this is a view I have from where I live, and often I get some nice sky shots of the sun setting over the Montreal Biosphere. On this particular day it was very cloudy and as the sun set, they sky began to turn into a kind of bright red carpet. From past experience, I knew that this would last for no more than two or three minutes, I so grabbed my

camera as quick as possible, frightening My Lovely Assistant as she's not used to seeing me move that fast, took the screen out of my window and shot as many photographs as I could before the effect ended. The first photograph, shot at f/7.1, 1/160sec, ISO 400 at 300mm, and the second which was shot at f/5.6, 1/100sec, ISO 400 at 300mm were my favourites. They were taken two minutes apart, the second photo being the earlier one. You can see the difference in the sky. In the second photograph, the sky is a little brighter, while you can see more detail in the sky with the first one. I only get a sky like this maybe twice a year, but I still enjoy photographing it every time.
As I mentioned way at the beginning, the sun is about to set on 2014. Photographically, it's been a pretty cool year for me. I shot my first solo wedding, I grabbed lots of awesome fireworks photographs, I managed to photograph a couple of bands, some openly, some being a little bit sneaky about it. All of that and some flowers, bugs, buildings, candy and anything and everything that I might have found interesting along the way. I was thinking about doing a little retrospective of 2014, with links to all of those photographs, but I guess that it's my hopeful nature that tells me that the majority of you who are reading these words have seen all of those photographs. If you haven't there's a whole archive of photographs to be seen here and a good place to start would be the little links on the right-hand side of this page. You've got access to the 'popular' photograph, but also access to everything else but simply clicking on the year, month or post title of the blog archives. Photography is my fun. You may not like all of the things you see, but maybe you'll find something that speaks to you. Happy New Year to you all, I hope that 2015 brings you all much happiness.
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