Sunday 14 August 2016

Flowers & Bees

I'm not really someone who enjoys sitting outside in a pile of dirt, surrounded by flowers in the summer heat.  Yet, put a camera in my hand and add some bees flying around, and I'll suddenly end up in places I wouldn't normally find myself.  Such was the case with these photographs.  While visiting with members of My Lovely Assistant's family, I noticed these flowers in the backyard, and a couple of bees that were flying around them.  I found a little dirt patch in the middle of the wildflowers, sat myself down and began to shoot away, while also shooing away the various other flies and ants that were discovering my legs were a tasty meal.  Despite a couple of stinging experiences in my past, I really enjoy taking photographs of bees.  I enjoy trying to follow them with my lens and trying to anticipate their movements, hoping to get that one shot where you can see their little face, which I believe that I accomplished with the third photograph.  Before getting to number three, I'll show the previous two.  The first photograph was taken at f/4, 1/3200sec, ISO 800 at 200mm.  Here are the other two photographs.

f/8, 1/4000sec, ISO 1600 at 190mm

f/11, 1/640sec, ISO 3200 at 200mm

It was a little late in the afternoon so I needed to use a high ISO in order to give myself a fast enough shutter speed to catch the bee in flight.  I also used a small aperture in order to give myself enough space that would remain in focus between the flower and where I though the bee would be flying.  The photograph doesn't count for much if the bee is not in focus.

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