Every year near the end of summer, my place gets invaded by a bunch of Ladybugs. Where they came from, where they're going, I have no idea. The only thing I know is that I'll either step outside or arrive home from the day job and find that they are all over the outside walls of where I live. It's almost that time of the year again, so I had best put up these photographs that I took of their visit last year. Usually, these little bugs are always more than happy to pose for me, but this year they wanted nothing to do with my camera. In order to get a photograph, I needed to offer something up myself. That thing ended up being some icing sugar. I sprinkled a little bit of icing
sugar on the wooden railing outside of where I live and waited for my little friends to arrive. Except they didn't. I had to transport this one on my finger to where I had put the sugar. Initially, the ladybug wanted nothing to do with my sugary snack, but after finally getting one taste, it came down with a case of white line fever. I suppose that as far as modeling fees go, a little bit of white sugar is a small price to pay. As an added bonus, a very light rain started to fall which resulted in the nice water bubbles that you see on the back of the ladybug. The first photograph was taken at f/8, 1/60sec, ISO 1000 at 60mm and the second photograph was taken at
f/11, 1/60sec, ISO 1000 at 60mm and the third photograph was taken at f/11, 1/80sec, ISO 1000 at 60mm. The second photograph in this series is one of the few remaining that was actually featured in my photography exhibition back in March. Was it really so long ago? Time flies. These photographs are also a nice success story for my use of flash. I directed the light of the flash onto the ladybug using the little reflective card that is attached to my Speedlite. Reflecting the light gives a softer look to the photograph and also gives much less harsh shadows. More importantly, it lessens the force of the flash as I was afraid the light would chase my model away. Now I'll just wait and see if I end up getting any more little visitors later this year.

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