I think I can say that 2019 got off to a rather explosive start here on the old blog. I had four photographs appear on CTV Montreal, one of them appeared in the La Presse Online App, got to shoot some hockey at a tournament in Longueuil and finished things up by getting a photo pass to shoot The Damn Truth and The Sheepdogs at MTelus in Montreal. I'm hoping that this means my year didn't peak in January, but rather it's the start of an interesting 2019. With all that happened last month, it's not a stretch to believe that my famed archives ended up getting even bigger. This batch of forgotten fireworks were taken during the annual Fire On Ice events at the Old Port Of Montreal. I had wanted to try a
new location, hoping to get the Biosphere into my photographs, as well as the buildings of Montreal. The explosions ended up being a little bit more to the left of the buildings that I had hoped, lots even ended up being blocked by the Biosphere itself. It was also very windy and that ended up ruining lots of my shots as well. I still managed to grab couple of shots that made it through quality control. The first photograph was taken at f/16, 15sec, ISO 100 at 68mm and the second photograph was taken at f/16, 20sec, ISO 100 at 68mm. Here are a few more photographs that I took of the explosions.

f/16, 20sec, ISO 100 at 68mm
f/16, 14sec, ISO 100 at 68mm
It was nice to try out a new spot. Though I was disappointed about not getting more of the buildings in my photographs, getting the string of lights at the base of the Biosphere was a nice little bonus, as were the occasional light streaks of the passing cars.
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