Sometimes the story that goes along with the photograph is better than the actual photo. I don't know if this is the case, but I find the story to be a little amusing. While visiting my parents over the weekend, My Lovely Assistant and I made a side trip over to my favourite covered bridge. The sun was going down and I was hoping to get a nice photograph. While I walked over to the bridge, My Lovely Assistant decided to rest up in the car. Everything was going well. The sun was almost at the horizon, there was some nice colour in the sky, and then I took a step. Suddenly my right leg sunk in the snow and I found myself buried up to my waist in a much deeper snow bank than I had anticipated. A car was about to pass by, but I didn't feel like explaining my embarrassing situation, so I just raised my camera to my face and made like I was taking a photograph and that everything was normal. The car
went by, the camera went back down and the scramble to dig myself out of my snowy situation began. I managed to get one leg free, but the other was proving to be a bit more difficult as my shoe was also coming off and would fill with snow. I'd free one leg, only for the other to sink a little further down. I looked over to the car a few times, but I believe My Lovely Assistant was in the middle of a little cat nap. By the time that I dug myself free, the sun was pretty much gone, but the sky was still a nice blue so I quickly snapped off a few photographs before what was left of the sun disappeared. The first photograph was taken at f/9, 1/60sec, ISO 100 at 24mm and the second photograph was taken at f/9, 1/40sec, ISO 100 at 24mm. In a perfect world, I probably would have used a tripod and longer shutter speed for a blue hour photograph, but in a perfect world I also wouldn't have been up to my butt in snow while my sunset was disappearing. Still, it's a funny story, or so thinks the storyteller.

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