Saturday 16 September 2023

Little Blue Light

A little while back I wrote about how sometimes it's fun to take a fast snap shot of something you find interesting, rather than spending a long time looking for just the right angle and perfect conditions.  This isn't one of those stories.  This was one of those photographs where I ended up getting left behind on the trail while the rest of the clan moved on without me.  It's another shot from our recent vacation.  While out for a walk, I noticed the sun coming through the trees.  From where I stood, I could see the rays coming through the branches, so I had to stop and try to get a photograph.  I used a nice small aperture to get the star effect around the sun and then tried to line myself up nicely to get that little blue streak of light that you see in the bottom left of the photograph.  Yes, I did all that waiting for a little blue streak of light.  I feel it was worth the wait.  The photograph was taken at f/16, 1/13sec, ISO 100 at 24mm.  Luckily, The Crown Prince is not a very fast walker yet, so I was still able to catch up with them down the beach.

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