Wednesday 6 September 2023

Stairway To Vacation

For those of you who are regular visitors, it was a very busy Summer here at The Old Blog.  There were 18 concert to go go along with The Day Job and, of course, watching over The Heir Apparent and Crown Prince.  To be honest, it's My Lovely Assistant who handles most of the leg work when it comes to the future generation, but with everything that was going on, there were several shortened nights.  Not that I am complaining, I enjoy creating everything that you see here on these pages, and I certainly hope that all of you out there enjoy seeing them.  That being said, it was still good to get away from everything, except the family members, of course.  We ended up renting a cottage up at SEPAQ Lac Simon.  It's an area that has become an annual visit for us as it's a nice, quiet place, but also has lots of things to keep the little ones occupied.  There are also lots of walking paths, such as this little staircase through the forest that leads down to the beach, and lake, below.  Stairs are not usually very high of my list of favourite things, but luckily we were headed down this particular one.  The photograph was taken at f/16, 1/25sec, ISO 100 at 24mm, and as you can see, we had some pretty nice weather.  Other than the heat, which you can't see, but I assure you was there.  If you happen to be looking for a nice Québec getaway, I strongly suggest a visit, or any of the other SEPAQ locations which I have always found to be excellent.  Okay then, I may have been on vacation, but I still ended up coming home with loads of photographs to go through.  Back to work.

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