Saturday 2 September 2023

Short Visit

Since we've moved the Head Office a few years back, there has been a steady supply of Dragonflies who have been flying through the yard, but they never seem to want to stick around.  That is, until this friendly winged visitor decided to take a break in our apple tree a few days ago.  We were all outside, so I quickly got up from my seat and raced to the house to grab my camera.  He was still sticking around when I made my way back.  I quickly snapped off a few shots with the intention of using them to gauge my settings, only to discover that much like Keyser Soze, pouf, he was gone.  It was only seconds later that I found out that I had been done in by my own progeny.  The Crown Prince was at the base of the tree, shaking the trunk with all his might and with the biggest smile on his face.  Luckily, my initial photograph, taken at f/3.5, 1/400sec, ISO 400 at 200mm had done the trick.  He's been back to visit since, with a couple of friends, but they still don't stop.  I guess I'll have to continue being patient, and teach The Crown Prince that apple trees are not meant to be shaken.

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