Though Halloween had actually happened a few nights before, the MTelus in Montreal was still the scene for a terrifying trio of bands. Up first was
Night Demon. They without a doubt had the hardest job of the night. Due to the size of KingDiamond’s set piece, Night Demon was crammed to the very front of the
stage. They were literally jumping over
their own amps in order to move around.
You have to appreciate their going that extra yard. It would have been perfectly reasonable to remain in their own little parts of the stage, but they made the extra effort to move around, and it was certainly appreciated as the crowd would roar along with every awkward pass on what little of the stage that was available to them. Night Demon have been around since 2010 and just released their fifth album, Outsider, in March of
last year. They were playing some old school metal which is exactly what the crowd was looking for. Speaking of which, though the venue was sold out and the floor relatively packed, the put each other through the paces with several mosh pits, circle pits and a wall of death throw in for good measure. Singer Jarvis Leatherby was orchestrating the mayhem from his spot on the stage, perhaps even a little jealous at all of the free movement on the floor Night Demon certainly impressed me with both their performance and work ethic. I hope to see them again one day,
hopefully with a bit more place to play. All of the photographs were taken at f/3.2 while using various different shutter speeds, ISO settings and focal lengths. Here are several more photographs of Night Demon taken during their performance on the MTelus stage.
If you would like to find out more about Night Demon and their music, you can do so by following the link to their website. If you would like to see the photographs I took of Overkill and King Diamond, who also performed that night, you can do so by following the respective links. Under difficult circumstance, Night Demon put on one heck of a show. Check them out when they visit a town near you.
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