Wednesday 20 February 2013

A Snowy Situation

We had a little bit of a snow fall from the sky today, however I was stuck at work and was thus unable to get out and wander around with my camera.  However, waiting for me when I got home was this interesting looking pattern.  Basically, we had some wet, sticky snow which was being blown around by some pretty strong winds.  This resulted in the snow getting blown against one of the outside walls where I live and sticking to the many cobwebs left behind by some spiders that were much more active than I had thought over the summer.  It wasn't a plan-point-and-shoot situation as I decided to play around a little bit with my flash.  To be perfectly honest, I have no real explanation behind this photo.  I was limited in time and location, so this seemed like a good opportunity.  I just decided to play around and this one had a the nicest look to my eye.  The shot you see here was taken at f/2.8, 1/100sec ISO 1600 at 24mm while also bouncing some flash against the wall.  I'm pretty sure that the combination of flash and the high ISO is what caused the burned out look on the bricks. Either that, or it's just the result of the random numbers that I set the camera at.  Sometimes it's just fun to go out and play around with the camera.  Unless you decide that you really like this shot as well.  In that case, well, I obviously had the result planned all along. 

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