At the end of my update last week about having my photograph on CTV News, which you can view again by following this link, I mentioned how I wanted to return to that spot in order to capture a similar sky while photographing the Jacques Cartier Bridge. Sadly, the sky never quite got the same again over the last week, but it did still provide some interesting colours over the skyscrapers of Montreal. Though I try to avoid repeating photographs here on the blog, I thought that these two shots warranted bending that rule. After all, the photographs are a little different in that the sky is different in both of these photographs, and the one that ended up being broadcast on the news. For the first shot, which was taken at f/6.3, 1/125sec, ISO 100 at 200mm I
underexposed the photograph just a little bit in order to make the colour of they sky stand out a little bit more. This blackened the buildings, which was a plus in my mind as they were kind of dull in the foreground without any lights on. With the second photograph, taken at f/7.1, 1/60sec, ISO 800 at 200mm, I was walking back home and went by the same spot I had been at earlier. I thought the sky looked nice so I figured I'd snap another photograph. I almost wasn't able to get the shot as I didn't have my tripod or monopod with me, so shooting at such a low shutter speed was a bit of a risk as despite my best efforts, I tend to get a little bit shaky when trying to grab these low-light shots While these shots helped me deal with the disappointment of not getting a shot of the bridge, I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that I haven't missed my last chance for this year.

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