In another of the special Summer series of concerts put on by the Ville de Longueuil through their Longueuil est Culture organization, The Preville Big Band came by the Pariosse Saint-Hubert to entertain us this past Thursday night. Once again, the whole gang took in the event as The Heir Apparent seems to be taking a liking to these shows. My Lovely Assistant crafted her a little wooden camera which she took with her as she followed me to the front of the crowd to take some photographs of the action. Though it wasn't our intention, I think that The Heir Apparent kind of stole the show as the crowd was having as much fun watching her dance and take some pictures as they did watching the show. I've photographed the Preville Big Band a few times now, but this was probably my favourite. First, because The Heir
Apparent was right there with me, sitting on my knee and taking pictures herself, but also because the Longueuil lighting crew did a terrific job lighting up not only the band, but the church as well. It also goes without saying that the band was in great for as well. Breaking out some old classics, but also giving the a big band makeover to modern rock songs by Oasis, Stray Cats and Van Halen, the Preville Big Band got the crowd to come out of their seats and join in on the fun several times during their performance. When she wasn't taking photographs, The Heir Apparent was dancing the night away. The first photograph was taken at f/3.5, 1/1600sec, ISO 3200 at 70mm and the second photograph was taken at f/3.2, 1/1250sec, ISO 3200 at 70mm. Here are several more photographs that I took of their performance.
If you'd like to find out more about the Preville Big Band and their music, you can do so by following the link to their website. Thanks also to the Ville de Longueuil and Longueuil est Culture. The only thing I enjoyed more than the show was watching The Heir Apparent in action. We'll see what develops on that front once she is old enough for a camera of her own.