Tuesday 17 January 2023

The Standstills At Place Bell

We don't always get to photograph the opening bands when there are several groups playing at the larger venues.  Fortunately, that wasn't the case back in November when I got to photograph The Standstills who were opening for The Warning and Three Days Grace (photos can be seen by following the links) at Place Bell in Laval.  I first discovered The Standstills a few years ago hearing their songs on the radio.  Their second, and most recent album, 'Shockwave', was released earlier this year and it had lots of songs I enjoyed.  So, I showed up nice and early at the venue and crossed my fingers that we'd be allowed in to shoot them in action.  I wasn't disappointed, musically or photographically.  The duo of Johnny Fox and Renée Couture, joined on stage by bassists Brendan MacMillian, got the crowd good and rowdy after coming in from a chilly November night.  The first photograph was taken at f/3.2, 1/640sec, ISO 4000 at 38mm.  Here are several more photographs that I took of their performance.

f/3.2, 1/200sec, ISO 4000 at 70mm
f/3.2, 1/250sec, ISO 4000 at 24mm
f/3.2, 1/320sec, ISO 4000 at 50mm
f/3.2, 1/640sec, ISO 4000 at 47mm
f/3.2, 1/200sec, ISO 4000 at 70mm
f/3.2, 1/250sec, ISO 4000 at 47mm
f/3.2, 1/640sec, ISO 4000 at 55mm
f/3.2, 1/250sec, ISO 4000 at 70mm
f/3.2, 1/500sec, IOS 4000 at 70mm
f/3.2 1/800sec, ISO 4000 at 35mm
f/3.2, 1/200sec, ISO 4000 at 70mm
f/3.2, 1/500sec ISO 4000 at 55mm
f/3.2, 1/400sec, ISO 4000 at 47mm
f/3.2, 1/200sec, ISO  4000 at 70mm
f/3.2, 1/500sec, ISO 4000 at 61mm
f/3.2, 1/400sec, ISO 4000 at 70mm
f/3.2, 1/200sec, ISO 4000 at 65mm
f/3.2, 1/400sec, ISO 4000 at 70mm
f/3.2, 1/640sec, ISO 4000 at 35mm
f/3.2, 1/400sec, ISO 4000 at 24mm

If you'd like to find out more about The Standstills and their music, you can do so by following the link to their website.  Their bio mentions a reputation of transcendent rock anthems, gigantic hooks, hypnotic grooves, and infectious riff.  That's quite a lot to offer up in on sentence, but The Standstills live up to their reputation, and then some.  Hopefully I get to see them again, certainly as a headliner, some day soon  With that, we're all caught up.  Here's hoping for some new shows soon.

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