Laurence St-Martin At Paroisse Saint-Hubert
Summer concert series put together by the Ville de Longueuil and Longueuil est Culture continues to produce some great shows that give a spotlight to some
very talented young musicians. The latest to perform before an adoring
crowd was Laurence St-Martin, who performed with her band on the steps of the
Paroisse Saint-Hubert this past Thursday night. These summer concerts
take part at several different locations over the city, and this one remains my
favourite. Using the old church as a backdrop is a glorious decision as
it adds an extra touch of both class and history to every one of the concerts
that it hosts. Laurence St-Martin is the latest to take advantage of the
location, but she also gave one of the best performances that I've had the chance
to see there over the years. Part of Québec's seemingly unlimited crop of
talented young
Country music artists, Laurence St-Martin might have once been
considered a rising star, but that star has not only arrived, but is shining
bright. Nicknamed 'La fille des îles' due to her origins in the Sorel
islands of the Saint-Lawrence River, at only 26 years of age, Laurence St-Martin has already produced a catalogue of great songs. A first album,
'Filles des Îles' and the hit single of the same name was released in 2019 and
her third album, 'Avec Elle', was releasaed earlier this year. She played
several songs off of the new album, and was joined by a special guest, rapper
Adamo, for a duet performance of their song 'Premier Rodéo' which was the
second single to be released off of 'Avec Elle'. The last time I had the
chance to
photograph Laurence St-Martin (follow the link if you'd like to see
the photographs), she was the 'special guest' and now she is headlining a
series of shows. She also performed the enviable task of getting the
Saint-Hubert crowd, known for enjoying the comfort of the folding chairs they
bring to these shows, to rise to their feet and dance along to the music.
Many have tried, but not all have succeeded. Just another feather to put
in to the hat of this terrific young performer. There are sure to be
several more feathers that will be added to that hat in the years to
come. I have full access to these shows, and as usual, I took full
advantage of that by shooting a lot of photographs. They were all taken
at f/3.2, at various shutter speeds, ISO's ranging from 400 to 3200 and at
several different focal lengths as I took in the music and surroundings. With that in mind, here are several more photographs I took of Laurence St-Martin during her performance.
If you would like to find out more about Laurence St-Martin and her music, you can do so by following the link. A very big thank you goes out to the Ville de Longueuil and Longueuil est Culture for allowing me to shoot these concerts every year. It is very much appreciated. Laurence St-Martin has several shows coming up all over Québec in the coming months, including a set Lasso, Montreal's big Summer Country music festival, which takes place in August. Be sure to check out Laurence St-Martin if she has a concert lined up near you.
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