Tuesday 1 October 2024

Let Rocktober Begin

It's time to wake up Billy Joe from Green Day, September has come to an end.  October 1st is upon us once again and it is easily one of my favourite days on the calendar.  It usually signifies that the oppressive heat of the Summer should be long forgotten for several months, but it also means that I get to use one of my favourite play-on words created by my good friends as CHOM 97.7FM, 'Rock-tober'.  There has been a lot more rock on the old blog over the last few months, and I'm hoping that October will be no different.  I've got a couple of shows lined up that I'm hoping to shoot, so keep your fingers crossed for me.  While we wait for the guitars to roar to life, here is one that is enjoying a moment of rest before the big show begins.  I caught it resting before the Culture Wars show a few weeks ago.  Feel free to follow that link if you would like to see some photographs of it in action.  The photograph was taken at f/3.2, 1/50sec, ISO 2500 at 70mm.  I'm always looking for something fun to shoot before the music starts, and this guitar and amp set-up caught me eye.  Especially with the nice reflection of the floor and the way the wires were all coiled.  Get out there and get rocking this month, Rocktober only comes around once a year, so enjoy it.

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