Tuesday, 4 March 2025

First Meal Served

I sometimes get caught up in the seriousness of photography, but we must not forget that most photographers got in to this because it was fun.  The past Winter storm that hit us did a number on the bird feeder that My Lovely Assistant had built along with The Heir Apparent.  It has been told that a local squirrel may have had a hand in the destruction as well, but since I didn't witness this, I will give him a pass for now.  However, shortly after we installed the bird feeder last Summer, I sat with The Heir Apparent and The Crown Prince on our deck and waited for our first bird to visit.  I'll never forget the excitement in both of their voices as that first bird did arrive for a snack.  I had the camera with me and took a quick picture, which they were both so happy to see.  The photograph was taken at f/5.6, 1/320sec, ISO 100 at 200mm.  Will the  photograph ever end up on a gallery wall?  Probably not, but not every photograph needs to be.  Where it will remain is in my memory as a fun afternoon with the kids.  That is worth much more.

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