Saturday, 1 March 2025

Looking Forward To Spring

Before we get to deep in to this update, no, I have not changed my opinion on the seasons.  I still love the cold and I still hate the heat.  However, there is one thing about the Winter that I can't stand, and that is the snow.  To be honest, until a few weeks ago, we had not gotten very much snow at all.  However, about 80cms of the stuff fell over the last two weeks and I have had enough.  I also miss some of my Spring and Summer friends, like this humble little bumblebee who is making his way around one of our many sunflowers.  I love to sit and watch them work, it is very relaxing.  It's always a nice little photo project as well.  For this photograph, taken at f/7.1, 1/400sec, ISO 100 at 200mm, I was fortunate to have a sunflower that was pointing towards the sky.  It hadn't yet fully opened, so many of the petals were pointing upwards as well.  I just waited in my comfy lawn chair for the bee to land and make his way to the right spot.  A nice lazy Summer day activity.  So, yes, March generally signals that warmer days are ahead, but I'll try and look past that and focus on some of the other things I enjoy instead.

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