Sunday 30 December 2012

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

We had ourselves a bit of a snowstorm the other day.  Something to the tune of 50cm reported where I live in Longueuil.  So, what do you do in the middle of a snowstorm?  You go out and take some pictures!  I wanted to protect my camera and my lens, so I had originally outfitted my stuff with a transparent bag specifically made to hold a camera and a flash.  However, the small hole in the bag made to wrap over the viewfinder quickly stretched out of place and made for a bothersome experience.  The next trip to the camera store will see me picking up an eyepiece extender which will hold the bag in place without fear of rips or tears.  Back to the photo, I felt that this image pretty much summed up the situation for many people on the night.  Standing by their cars waiting for the snow removal companies to pass by and free them.  I love the blowing snow all over the photograph and the way it is captured in the lights of the tractor.  This shot was captured at f/2.8, 1/80sec, ISO 1600 at 42mm.  The lights of the tractor actually helped me out as they allowed the camera to get up to 1/80 second for the shot, which would have been nearly impossible otherwise, even at ISO 1600.  The higher speed allowed me to capture the show as is, instead of being one white blur.  Okay, it still looks like a white blur, but it's a detailed white blur.  I took several photos during the course of the walk, so there should be some more that will make their way to this page eventually.

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