It's been a little more than three months since I opened up this little spot on the web, and thanks to all of you who have been visiting. One of the first photos I had wanted to put up here was the photograph you see to the left of the screen. I asked for, and was given permission to use it way back in August, but things always seemed to happen. New shots were taken, there was an exposition to prepare for, I got lazy...the regular excuses. Better late than never, here is one of my favourite photographs that I have taken. One of the toughest jobs you can have as a photographer, in my opinion, is to photograph someone's wedding. I've had the honour of being the 'guest photographer' at the weddings of two of my good friends and both were great learning experiences. The role of 'guest photographer' is quite easy. Take as many pictures as you want, but stay out of the way of the real photographer. I had ample opportunity to take the in-between pictures which can be just as beautiful as the shots the pro is taking. This particular shot was taken in the alley behind a restaurant in Vancouver. The wall was a red that was very easy on the eyes. The wedding photographer had set the bride exactly where she wanted her with the afternoon light softly falling on her face. As the photographer was adjusting her camera, I snuck off a little to the left and snapped away. I like how it appears the sun created a window, made special just for the bride to show off her beauty. I also like how she wasn't looking at me directly, but rather seems to be lost in a moment of quiet contemplation. The photo was taken at f/5, 1/100 sec,ISO 400 at 30mm. I also owe a debt of gratitude to Gracci & Rico Pelaez who took this freshly graduated photographer and took the time to teach me a couple of tricks as well as being very generous with their time considering they were on the job at the time. Visit their website and see their amazing photographs at their website
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