Give the people what they want. That's something that you often hear in the 'arts'. Well, the people have spoken pretty loudly this week and a whole bunch of you seemed to really like a photograph I put up late last week. If you want to revisit that photograph, you can follow
this link. Since I had taken all of these over the Christmas holiday, they were in the process of being forgotten to my hard drive as other photographs had been taken since these. I was really hit hard by the flu last week and thus had lots of 'couch time' where I was able to go through many of these photos and play around with them a bit. That led to the photograph you all saw last week, which was liked by a whole bunch of you

. Speaking of which, don't forget that you can also visit my
Facebook Page and don't forget to 'Like' stuff while you're there. Yes, I'm just like everybody else out there, I like it when people tell me that they like my photographs. That's part of the reason why I always go to the same places to get my photographs developed when needed. It's a nice rush of 'awesome' to be told by the clerk that they really like your photographs. The same goes with the comments I get over on my
Facebook Page, and the few comments that I've gotten here on the Blog. So, this is kind of a round-about way of

saying 'Thanks' to everyone out there who takes the time to visit the Facebook page and the blog. A whole bunch of you liked the ice shot, so here are a couple more. There's not really much more that I can say about these photographs that
I didn't already say in that first post. What I was really trying to capture with these shots were the lights. The ice was really nice, but I really liked the way that the light reflected off of the ice. It kind of reminded me a blood flowing through a vein. The light was flowing through the ice. I think that this can really be seen in the second photograph. If you look at the long frozen branches, you can see the light reflected in all of them. The first and third photograph are a bit more noisy, but it was that loud mix of different colours that drew me into taking the photographs in the first place. The first photograph was taken at f/5.6, 4sec, ISO 100 at 80mm. The second photograph was taken at f/22, 13sec, ISO 100 at 68mm. Photograph number three was taken at f/5.6, 8 sec, ISO 100 at 55mm. I actually used three different lenses while taking all of the photographs that I did of these lights, which were on display at Mom & Dad's house. I used a regular, wide-angle and telephoto lens for different shots so that I could make sure that I got every possible angle that I could think of. I spent close to an hour taking these and many other shots, but as always, it was more than worth the time.
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