Saturday 11 January 2014

Trapped Under Ice

My Lovely Assistant and I have pretty much been knocked out of action over the last few days by some different strains of the flu.  No point in going further than to say that massive amounts of Tylenol, Lambert cough syrup, Halls cough drops and Tropicana orange juice have been consumed.  All of those companies can thank me later for the free publicity.  Speaking of free publicity, have any of you had the chance to visit the Facebook page of The Lost Fingers?  Or the twitter feed on their website?  You really should take the time to do so as they were kind enough to link back to a post of mine from from January 4th which was full of photographs that I took of them.  Do me a favour and pay them a visit and I promise that there will be no more links in the rest of this posting.  Getting back to how we're all sick at the moment, I drove My Lovely Assistant to the day job this morning and quickly discovered that everything had been covered by some freezing rain.  Not a very serious amount, but enough to remind me that I had taken some ice pictures over the Christmas holidays while visiting my parents.  They had a nasty freezing rain storm a few days before Christmas, and everything was still covered.  Including the shrubs in the front yard.  I tried to focus on one of the branches, making sure to include some lights in the background while also making sure to grab the longs droplets that had turned into ice.  I also positioned myself so that the street lights would reflect on the ice, giving them what I think is a nice colour.  This shot was taken ta f/5.6, 1sec, ISO 100 at 43mm.  I then cropped the image tighter to 8" x 12".  Most people don't like freezing rain, with good reason, but I hope that you'll all like this photograph.

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