Wednesday 30 July 2014

Look Into The Crystal Ball

Yes, I have the habit of photographing strange things.  Long time visitors to this site might remember my photograph of a panel from the Canadian Aviation & Space Museum in Ottawa, or my photograph of the sun going through an umbrella.  Well, here's another one for the 'Strange' File.  This photograph here is actually the center of a glass/crystal ball that I found in the middle of my cousin Robin's backyard.  She and her husband Paul were hosting a family gathering in honour of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of my Uncle Fred and Aunt Norma, her parents.  Like any good photographer, I spent the evening roaming their yard, taking photos of her flowers and yard objects rather than taking photos of, you know, actual real living people. What can I say, I'm kind of strange that way.  The ball caught my eye and I wondered what it would look like close up and blasted with flash.  So, I took a few shots.  I think it makes for an interesting photograph, even if I do need to explain to people what it is.  That's part of the fun.  This way, though I didn't really photograph any people, this image will forever be connected to Robin & Paul, as well as my time at their party.  This shot was taken at f/4.5, 1/250sec, ISO 100 at 70mm.

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