Music week continues here on the blog, with the possibility growing stronger that a second week will be in the offering as well. Today, we're back to the All-Star portion of the concert in Saint-Lambert last Saturday night. This series of photographs come from the third portion of the concert that featured a few solo songs by Stefi Shock before he was joined on stage by Andrée Watters. I had some difficulty getting some nice shots of Stefi Shock as he was wearing a baseball cap that often caused shadows so dark around his face that we couldn't see his eyes. Maybe it's not that important in the greater scheme of things, but I like to see the eyes of a performer

when they're performing. For me, it adds a little something to the shot. Be they open or closed, the eyes just seem to add an extra piece of emotion to the photograph. Bonus points go out to My Lovely Assistant who actually pointed Stefi Shock out to me during the soundcheck. We were on the site in the afternoon to take in the other
Saint-Lambert en fête activities while the soundcheck for the evening concert was taking place. She told me that Stefi Shock was currently on stage when I, in my infinite wisdom, said it was impossible since the stars of the night don't usually take part in the afternoon sound check like that, it was usually roadies and technicians. Score one for My Lovely Assistant. The first photograph was taken at f/5, 1/60sec, ISO 3200 at 125mm and the second photograph was taken at f/6.3, 1/125sec, ISO 3200 at 115mm. Here are a couple more.
f/6.3, 1/60sec, ISO 3200 at 115mm
f/7.1, 1/100sec, ISO 3200 at 115mm
f/5.6, 1/125sec, ISO 3200 at 150mm
I hope that you're all enjoying these out there. I had great fun that night and there are still a few more updates to go before I get through all of the photographs that I took.
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