I know, I know. Pretty much everyone has been putting up photographs of the Supermoon lunar eclipse that happened last night. I'm not different than everyone else. Though I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, this kind of lunar eclipse doesn't happen every day, or even every year for that matter. I wanted to get out and try to get some photographs of the event. My first thought was to get myself up to the observation deck of Mount Royal as I thought it would give me a good view of the moon over the city. Sadly, I wasn't the only one who had this idea. As My Lovely Assistant and I drove up the mountain, we began to notice more and more cars parked, illegally I might add, along the side of the road. Things only got worst a few minutes later as we

arrived at the main parking lot only to find that not only was the lot full, but there were cars parked three deep along the side of the road. I wasn't going to find a spot, and I really didn't want to find myself in the massive traffic jam in the making that was going to happen when everyone decided to leave, so I turned the car around and quickly drove back home, hoping to find a spot closer to where I live. I headed to the train station in Saint-Lambert, and found that not only was it completely empty, but the moon was right above my car, just looking down at me. I quickly got out my gear and started snapping away. I know that my Supermoon photographs don't look all that 'super'. Sadly, I don't have the Superbankaccount to go out and buy a Superlens that

would do a better job of capturing the event, but I was happy with what I came home with. I didn't really know what I was doing as I don't really spend lots of time photographing the moon, so I just played around with different apertures and ISO's. I was a little disappointed when the clouds began to roll in, but I took a few more photographs anyway, and I kind of liked the final result. The second photograph with the clouds just rolling in would have probably been a little better with a faster shutter speed as I think I left the camera open one of two seconds longer than I should have and there is a bit of streaking in the stars. I also must admit that I played around a little bit with the third photograph, adding a bit of red to the highlights in Photoshop. The first photograph was taken at f/2.8, 2sec, ISO 400 at 190mm. The second photograph was taken at f/2.8, 8sec, ISO 100 at 200mm and the third photograph was taken at f/2.8, 6sec, ISO 100 at 200mm. It was a rare natural event, and I'm glad that I had the chance to go out and play around with my camera trying to capture it
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