It's Sunday afternoon and if you're living in North America, chances are pretty good that you associate this particular day of the week with football. Last night I paid a visit to my old school of oh-so many years ago, CEGEP Champlain in Saint-Lambert, to watch their football team in action. Much like last year, I was there mostly because one of my younger buddies, Mike, still plays for the team. Watch out for #5 in blue, you might just see him in action during this update. Unlike last year, the Cavaliers play their regular season games at night, making things a little more difficult from a photography stand point than the sunny afternoon

game I attended last year. It's a little more difficult to grab some photographs under the field lights than it is under a sunny October sky, but I still managed to get a couple. Though the Cavaliers managed to win the game 44-2, I didn't walk home with any touchdown photographs. I missed the first few as I arrived at the game in the middle of the second quarter and found myself on the wrong side of the field for a couple others. Then a runner got free and was headed to the corner of the end zone where I happened to place myself at the beginning of the third quarter. That's him who you can see running in the first photograph. Just before he was about to get

to the end zone, a coach who was returning to the sideline late after halftime walked right in front of me and blocked my view. I couldn't believe it. I still managed to get some good photographs of the action that took place in the game, but due to my needing to use a high ISO due to the lack of light, the shots are still a little grainy. I lost of couple of good shots as well as I wasn't able to get a fast enough shutter speed to totally freeze the action. The first photograph was taken at f/4.5, 1/250sec, ISO 3200 at 145mm. The second photograph was taken at f/4.5, 1/160sec, ISO 3200 at 102mm and the third photograph was taken at f/4.5, 1/160sec, ISO 3200 at 200mm. Here are a few more photographs that I took at the game.
f/3.5, 1/400sec, ISO 3200 at 88mm
f/4, 1/320sec, ISO 3200 at 200mm
f/4, 1/500sec, ISO 3200 at 168mm
The Cavaliers only have one more home game this season, and it will be played at night once again. They're having a pretty good season though, so maybe they'll host a play-off game. Maybe I'll get a chance to photograph a game under the sun just yet.
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