To those of you who have spent morning or afternoon rush hours stuck in traffic on the Jacques Cartier Bridge, that title is probably a little bit more accurate than it should be. For me, however, it relates more to a little bit of camera magic that makes the surface of the bridge look a little more red hot than 5:30PM on a work day. In order to get these photographs, I positioned myself so that the rear red lights of the cars would be closer to me as I felt the red would have been washed out by the headlights of the oncoming cars had I decided to reverse my position. Going up on the bridge during the week was a no-no because I wanted to get some of the blue from the sky in my shot, but that meant taking the photograph around 5:00PM, when all of those
moving cars would have been a little less mobile. To my concern, there was still some traffic that would back up over the metal superstructure of the bridge, but it would let up from time to time, allowing me to get my shots. In the first shot, taken at f/16, 8sec, ISO 100 at 38mm, the traffic was a little more thick. The brake lights of the cars caused the light streak to be a little more red than in the second shot, which was taken at f/16, 10sec, ISO 100 at 38mm. I couldn't decide which one I liked more, so you the viewer are the big winner as I decided to put them both up here on the blog. Sure beats sitting in traffic.

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