Well, I have always had the habit of doing things differently than most others. The 24th of December is usually a night that is spent with family. Mostly sharing a meal, opening gifts and being with those people who mean the most to us. That probably properly describes how 95% of you reading this spent your December 24th. Me? I was alone in the slush and the snow next to the St. Lawrence River waiting for some fireworks to go off. After a one year absence, there are once again fireworks in the Old Port, this time sponsored by Natrel, a local milk company. I ended up missing the first two editions and wouldn't you know it and didn't really want to miss the third. Only one problem, it was taking place on Christmas Eve.
Luckily, My Lovely Assistant gave me the green light to go take some photographs despite her family having a Christmas dinner planned at the same time. I dropped her off with her family and quickly drove across the river to grab a spot among the snow and slush. It's a spot that I really like as it gives me a nice view of the fireworks going off over the water, and the buildings of downtown Montreal as well. This give me the option of cropping my photograph as either a usual 8" x 12" or stretching things out to 12" x 4", or like the photograph at the top of the page, 12" x 5". Blown up to 24" x 8" or 24" x 10", these make pretty nice photographs, just annoying to find frames for. This is of course made possible by having a trusty wide-angle lens in your bag of tricks. The first photograph was taken at f/16, 15sec, ISO 100 at 25mm. The second photograph was taken at f/16, 10sec IS 100 at 25mm and the third was taken at f/16, 8sec, ISO 100 at 25mm. Here are a few more photographs that I took while everyone else was looking for Santa Claus.

f/16, 8sec, ISO 100 at 24mm
f/15, 6sec, ISO 100 at 24mm
f/16, 10sec, ISO 100 at 24mm
I quickly packed up my things and made my way to supper. While I was out there, I was also keeping my eyes open for a bright red sleight and some tiny reindeer. I'm not sure, but I think I saw them out there. Hope they visited you.
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