It's been a while since we've had any musical interludes here at the old blog. This past Tuesday night I was at the Montreal Metropolis for a concert. The good safe spots on the floor that I usually try and shoot from were quickly taken, so my friend and I ended up close to the soundboard further back in the building. Sadly, it meant that I would be rather limited in taking photographs during the show. With a nice telephoto lens, there would not have been any problem, but since I'm not technically allowed to bring a camera into the building in the first place, I think pressing my luck by bringing a large lens with me wouldn't be the best of ideas. As such, I
was only able to use my trust, and most importantly small, 50mm lens. It meant that close-ups were out of the question, so I tried to capture more of the lights, movement from the crowd and keep the performers as in focus as possible. The performers in this instance were a young group from Detroit known as Citizen Zero. It was my first time hearing them play, and I enjoyed their set of original songs, as well as a killer version of the classic Ted Nugent song, Stranglehold. The first photograph was taken at f/3.2, 1/100sec, ISO 3200 at 50mm and the second photograph was taken at f/4, 1/200sec, ISO 3200 at 50mm. Here are a few more photographs that I took during the show.

f/4, 1/200sec, ISO 3200 at 50mm
f/4, 1/100sec, ISO 3200 at 50mm
Yes, it's kind of a small selection compared to other concerts I've attended, but the reality is that the lighting didn't change much during the set and since I couldn't do any close-ups, I figured it wouldn't be very interesting to look at 15 photographs of the band against their backdrop. Speaking of selections, you can still see a selection of my photographs at the Greenfield Park Library. Go now before time runs out.
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