Marc! Marc! Marc! That was the dominant cry of the crowd moments before Marc Dupré was to hit the stage as the main musical event of the 2017 edition of Saint-Lambert en Fête. The crowd was beginning to spill out of the defined concert zone on Elm street as I began to worry that my position was moments away from being compromised as security was having a more difficult time by the minute in keeping the supposed emergency corridor in front of me clear. Luckily, I was equipped for battle with a telephoto lens and was able to avoid most of the protruding heads and outstretched arms, though a few human body parts did end up ruining a few of
my photographs on that whole. I guess it is safe to say that Marc Dupré is one of the bigger names to have played Saint-Lambert. Though he actually began as a comic artist doing voice imitations, his musical career broke out big in 2005 with the release of an album that got an added helping hand from one of the biggest names in the world, Céline Dion. His success has continued through five albums, with a sixth to be released later this year. He won Félix awards for Pop/Rock Album of the Year in 2011 and for Male Performer and Most Popular Song of the year in 2013 as well as being one of the main judges on the very popular television show, La
Voix. He brought along a few of his La Voix friends for this appearance, but I tried to focus on the the man everyone was there to see. Lots of these photographs came from early in the set and the guests appeared later when it became more difficult to get clear shots due to the large number of people who were inching their way closer to the stage by the minute, much to the chagrin of My Lovely Assistant and her trampled feet. I also wanted to take a brief moment to send out a public thank-you to my buddy Pierre Bourgault. After the Greenfield Park shows the week before, I was a little unhappy with some of my work and sent out a message to him asking for some tips he might be able to share. Thankfully, I was able to pick the mind of one of the best concert photographer in Montreal and came away with four shows worth of what I think are pretty cool photographs, and a little bit of extra knowledge to keep using in the future. Thanks one more time Pierre. Getting back to business, the first photograph was taken at f/6.3, 1/400sec, ISO 3200 at 200mm. The second photograph was taken at f/6.3, 1/200sec, ISO 3200 at 150mm and the third photograph was taken at f/6.3, 1/400sec, ISO 3200 at 200mm. As I said in the previous update, I hope you've got some snacks on hand, because here come several more photographs that I took during the show.

f/5.6, 1/640sec, ISO 3200 at 160mm
f/5.6, 1/640sec, ISO 3200 at 85mm
This shot is a kind of tribute to Pierre as he is known for his jump shots. Sadly, Marc was looking the other way, but I got a shot of the drummer with his sticks in the air so that made up for it.
f/3.2, 1/500sec, ISO 3200 at 135mm
f/3.2, 1/800sec, ISO 3200 at 160mm
f/4, 1/2500sec, ISO 3200 at 70mm
f/5, 1/640sec, ISO 3200 at 200mm
f/5, 1/640sec, ISO 3200 at 110mm
f/5.6, 1/640sec, ISO 3200 at 165mm
f/7.1, 1/160sec, ISO 3200 at 168mm
f/5, 1/400sec, ISO 3200 at 190mm
f/6.3, 1/400sec, ISO 3200 at 200mm
f/5.6, 1/320sec, ISO 3200 at 200mm
f/5.6, 1/640sec, ISO 3200 at 140mm
f/5, 1/320sec, ISO 3200 at 150mm
f/5, 1/320sec, ISO 3200 at 150mm
f/5, 1/320sec, ISO 3200 at 150mm
Phew! That was a lot of photographs. Four fun shows, four rather large updates and one buzzing photographer. I really enjoy taking photographs of musical acts, but rarely get the chance to photograph them from so close and with my better equipment. That's why I really enjoy going to these free outdoor concerts. Speaking of which, if you liked these photographs, don't forget to check out the ones I took of Jonathan MacAulay, Patrick Norman and Cédrik St. Onge who all performed over the weekend. Despite the fact that I didn't know many of the songs, Marc Dupré put on a show that had everyone singing along and dancing. It is quite the accomplishment to get the notorious Saint-Lambert crowd to get up out of their lawn chairs. He even threw in some cover versions of songs by Kenny Loggins, Bryan Adams and AC/DC for those of us who might not be as up on all things Marc as some of the others in the crowd were. At the end of the show, a large potion still remained near the stage and the barriers behind yelling "On veut Marc! On veut Marc!" I guess you could say that the show was a success.