It's been a while since my camera and I have been inside of a hockey arena, so I reached out to my friend Emmanuel late last week to find out if my favourite goaltender, his daughter Florence, was going to be playing anywhere near. As luck would have it, she and her team, Les Félines de Saint-Laurent - Midget A, were playing a game at the Bell hockey complex in Brossard, a short drive away from me. I packed up some gear and headed out to take in some Monday night hockey. Once on the scene, I was a little disappointed to find that the stands in the area don't go down to ice level. Seeing as how this place is the practice facility of the Montreal Canadiens, I had filled my mind with
the possibility of having a nice seat in the corner next to a hole cut into the plexiglass specifically for photographers, much like they have at the Bell Center. That disappointment aside I was still fortunate enough to have the end seats of the rink to myself as most of the parents on hands to watch their kids in action stayed more in the center of the stands. Getting back to the topic at hand, Les Félines are having a great season, currently positioned second in their league. On this night, they were playing against the third place Rapides de Champlain. More importantly than climbing higher in the standings, also on the
line was my personal two game losing streak. Sadly, when my camera happens to be in the building, Florence had a record of 0-2! Fortunately, the third time was the charm as Les Félines stormed back with four unanswered goals to earn a 4-1 victory. As usual, I focused on her play, trying to make sure that I always had a fast enough shutter speed to capture the action and freeze the puck when possible. I also tried to shoot some non-puck stopping action, though I still need some work following the flow of the action of the other players on the ice. Fortunately, I don't know any of their fathers so I don't feel that bad about missing their plays. It is
something I plan on trying to continue working on if I get any other opportunities. Enough talking, on to the photographs. This is going to be a rather large update as I just send everything out that I took on Monday night. In the past, I would have probably saved a few shots for future updates, but as you all know, my archives are filled to the point of busting so holding more back won't be helping out that situation. The first photograph was taken at f/5, 1/320sec, ISO 3200 at 105mm. The second and third photographs were taken at f/5, 1/320sec, ISO 3200 at 110mm and the fourth photograph was taken at f/5, 1/320sec, ISO 3200 at 105mm. Here are the rest of the photographs that I took during the game.

f/5, 1/320sec, ISO 3200 at 105mm
f/5, 1/320sec, ISO 3200 at 168mm
f/5.6, 1/250sec, ISO 3200 at 130mm
f/5.6, 1/250sec, ISO 3200 at 130mm
f/4.5, 1/640sec, ISO 3200 at 105mm
f/5, 1/500sec, ISO 3200 at 105mm
f/5, 1/500sec, ISO 3200 at 110mm
f/6.3, 1/250sec, ISO 3200 at 90mm
f/6.3, 1/200sec, ISO 3200 at 95mm
f/6.3, 1/200sec, ISO 3200 at 95mm
That is what you call a full crease. It was a fun couple of hours at the rink and I'm really happy that I no longer have to consider myself to be a bad luck charm as my losing streak is over! They have a couple more games left in their season, so maybe I'll even get the chance to start a little winning streak going.
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